Does it Snow in Paris

Paris – the capital of France -It is needless to introduce it due to its wide popularity among visitors. Paris, due to its wide culture of art and iconic landmarks, is renowned worldwide. Our research on Paris city will circulate around: “Does it snow in Paris?” We will explore the climate, snow and snowy activities of Paris.

Paris is the home to some world-famous artwork and iconic landmarks like the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower respectively. As the subject matter is concerned, “Does it snow in Paris?”, yes it does snow in Paris. Snow is not frequent, but it exists there. To know the detailed snow pattern, let’s explore the climate of Paris together.

Climate of Paris To Know Why Does it Snow in Paris

Climate Of Paris

France is a Western European country. Its capital city, Paris, is located in the north of France. Paris has a temperate climate, which is characterized by mild winters and warm summers. Paris experiences rain throughout the year. It encompasses all four seasons, which are winter, summer, spring, and autumn.

Winter in Paris is from December to February, characterized by mild winter with temperatures at 3°C to 7°C (37°F to 45°F). At night, the temperature usually drops below freezing. 

Summer in Paris is from June to August. The average temperature ranges from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F) in summer. Sometimes it reaches 30°. During summer, rain is relatively less. 

Spring in Paris is from March to May. The temperature in spring remains between 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F) in March and can reach 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F) by May.  

Autumn in Paris is from September to November. Average temperatures gradually decrease from around 20°C (68°F) in September to 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F) in November. Rain is excessive again this season.  Also explore does it snow in Rome.

Snow in Paris: When & Where

Snow In Paris

Until now, we have been talking about the climate. Now, let’s talk about snow in a bit more detail. Snow in Paris is an infrequent phenomenon which is common. This snow phenomenon is so light that it can be attributed to the light dusting of snow, which does not accumulate.

The snowfall in Paris is particularly in central Paris compared to other parts of the city. When I said snowfall in Paris is very light, It is not always the same. In history, heavy snowfall was recorded in Paris 2nd of March 1946.

When does it snow in Paris

When Does It Snow In Paris

Snow is a winter occurrence. Winter in Paris is from December to February. So the snowfall in Paris occurs in these three months. The Average snow time differs every year. January and February are more prone to snow than December.

Snow in December 

No, if you are visiting Paris in December just to seek snow falling in the city, then I will recommend not visiting Paris in december. Because it does snow in December but it is less in both time and quantity. Snow melts immediately due to the lighter dusting of it. But other than snow, Paris is beautiful in December. To experience the beauty of Paris one can visit it anytime in the year. 

Snow in January 

Snow events are more expected in January than in December. Snow in January is not so dense. It is light as well, but it is larger in time than in December. It is the coldest month of the year. Although I mentioned earlier, the significant snowfall event in the city is rare but the average snowfall time recorded in January is between 2 to 3 days. This is not a fixed number for every year, as it varies year by year. 

Snow in February 

February is also one of the coldest months of the year. Yet snowfall is possible but not guaranteed. The average snowfall time is the same as in January, which is between 2 to 3 days. It can vary through the years. 

Where Does It Snow in Paris

Where Does It Snow In Paris

In Paris, when it snows, it occurs in the whole city. It covers the neighborhood, Parks, Gardens and iconic landmarks. Some of the places are:

Iconic Landmarks: The famous iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre Museum provide a beautiful scene when it snows in the city. 

Parks and Gardens: Parks and gardens are plenty in the city. They experience snow. Some of them are as follows: Luxembourg Gardens, Tuileries Garden, Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, and Montsouris Park. 

River Seine: The river Seine, which runs through the heat of the city of Paris, also receives snowfall when it does. Imagine the seine is running smoothly and the light snowfall is occurring and giving a phenomenal view. 

Suburb Areas:  Suburb areas surrounding the city also experience snow. These regions include villages and towns like the Île-de-France region. 

Skiing in Paris

Until now, we have talked about “does it snow in Paris: when and why?”. Skiing in Paris is not common. There are plenty of skiing resorts near Paris. For exploring more European countries explore Does it snow in Europe?

Skiing Resort
Massif Central region
Approximately 4 hours 15 minutes away
Vosges Mountains
Approximately 4 hours 20 minutes away
Saint Maurice sur Moselle
Vosges Mountains
Approximately 4 hours 25 minutes away
Besse Super Besse
Massif Central region
Approximately 4 hours 30 minutes away
La Bresse
Vosges Mountains
Approximately 4 hours 35 minutes away
Monts Jura
Approximately 5 hours away

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes it does now in France. Although snow in France is not the denser or frequent occurrence, they do enjoy the snowfall.

Yes, Paris receives the lighter dusting of snowfall. It is not guaranteed every year but it does a little.

The last heavy snowfall in Paris was in February 2018. But snow was seen in January 2024. There was light dusting of snow.

Yes, January is the coldest month of the year. It snows in January in Paris.

Yes, February is the coldest month of the year as of January. It snows in February in Paris.

Snow is a rare and infrequent occurrence but it does.

Yes it rains in Paris throughout the year.

Yes it rains in Paris throughout the year. 

Yes, Paris receives the lighter dusting of snowfall. It is not guaranteed every year but it does a little. 

The last heavy snowfall in Paris was in February 2018. But snow was seen in January 2024. There was light dusting of snow. 

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