Does It Snow in Hawaii

Diverse geographical landforms like islands, coastal plains, mountains, and volcanic craterHawaii is the 50th official state of the United States. It is located in the continent of North America.

Hawaii is known for its sun-kissed lands and islands. Hawaii contains a group of islands within its premises. We can write a lot about Hawaii, but narrowing it down, our subject matter is “Does it snow in Hawaii?” 

Yes, it does snow in Hawaii. However, this snowfall is different from what visitors seek. The amount of snowfall is rare, and when it snows in Hawaii, it is a light dust of snow just on the higher elevations of the country. If you are planning your vacation to some snowy destination, I will recommend you to read our blog “Does it Snow in Puerto Rico?”.

Discussing the snow pattern, it is necessary to quote why the snowfall is less and rare in Hawaii. As I mentioned earlier, Hawaii is known for its sun-kissed islands. Hawaii exists in the tropical biome. Hawaii experiences a tropical climate throughout the year. It has a uniform size of days and nights throughout the year.

Break Down of Hawaii Climate to Know Does it Snow In Hawaii 

Climate In Hawaii

First, we will discuss the climate of Hawaii. The climate is tropical and warm. Hawaii’s climate is characterised by two main seasons. The dry season and the wet season. This is the reason snowfall is not common in lower-lying regions.

Only higher elevation regions receive cold temperatures like Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on the Big Island.Hawaii features diverse geographical landforms like islands, coastal plains, mountains, and volcanic craters.

  • The higher elevation receives cold temperatures, even reaching freezing point.
  • The islands showcase diverse geographical features; this is why even islands experience diverse climates. Smaller islands may receive a homogeneous environment.
  • The coastal areas passing along the Pacific Oceans receive the cold water, affecting climate and making it a little milder compared to others. 
Dry Season
Wet Season
Hawaii experiences a dry season from May to October.
Hawaii receives wet season from November to April
Eastern side of the islands receives more rainfall than the western side of the islands.
The higher elevation receives the coldest temperature, which brings snowfall in the mountains. Snowfall usually occurs in regions having more than 10,000 altitudes.

Where Does It Snow in Hawaii 

Where Does It Snow in Hawaii

Hawaii receives snowfall in higher elevated places like Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, and Haleakala. These three places are the tallest volcanic mountains in the country. All of these are elevated on more than 10,000 elevations.  If you are planning your vacation to some snowy destination, I will recommend you to read our blog “Does it Snow in Mexico?”.

Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa is located on the big island in Hawaii. It is 4169+ metres elevated from the surface of the water. Mauna Loa is considered one of the highest volcanoes on the earth. The lower slopes of Mauna Loa are tropical and experience less snowfall. The snowfall occurs in winter at high elevations, which are light enough not to accumulate. 

Mauna Kea 

Mauna Kea is also situated on a big island. It is 4205 m higher elevated. It is not an active volcano but dormant. The Mauna Kea’s higher elevation brings snowfall, which provides an eye-catching view of snowfall. Mauna Kea is a popular place for visitors to enjoy vacations and winters. 


Haleakala is located on the island of Maui. It is elevated at 3055 m. Haleakala’s lower slopes receive relatively warm temperatures, but the higher elevations receive snowfall. Haleakala is a popular place for visitors as well. 

Skii in Hawaii 

Skii in Hawaii is applicable. However, you can only ski or snowboard on just one of the three highest slopes, Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea offers skiing opportunities but this offer is limited for professionals.

This is because it is not a very facilitated skiing resort. It does not even provide lifts to raise to the top of the slop.  If you are planning your vacation to some snowy destination, I will recommend you to read our blog “Does it Snow in Costa Rica?”.

Frequently Asked Questions

The snowfall occurs in Hawaii in the winter season, which is attributed to the dry season. The dry season lasts from November to April. Some of the highest mountains may receive snowfall even in the wet season which is May to October. 

Snowfall in Hawaii is attributed to higher elevated places like Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, and Haleakala.

Yes, the overall climate of the country is warm due to tropical biomes but snowfall on higher elevated regions is recorded every year.

Yes, Snowfall is possible in December in Hawaii, but it is limited to higher elevated regions.

It is rare to see snowfall in Volcanoes National Park. Snowfall is generally limited to higher elevated regions like Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa etc. 

No, Hawaii does not receive snowfall often. 

Yes, Hawaii receives snowfall in the higher elevated regions. 

Snow occurs on the Big Island’s mountains. It is not common in lowland areas. 

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